Monday, February 20, 2017

Invisible Illness - Balancing Mind, Body and Spirit

I live with two invisible illnesses, both of which arose in the wake of the concussion in 2011. I am approaching that 6 year anniversary. It has taken me years to learn about these conditions - and I am still learning. But for now, I am writing about it, because some have asked and also because it is important to illuminate the invisible things that doctors often miss.

Let's start with the most recent one - Adrenal Insufficiency. This is NOT the same as the naturopathic version of Adrenal Fatigue or Adrenal Exhaustion; rather, it is a clinical condition where the body doesn't produce enough cortisol to do basic things. Cortisol is necessary to stay alive. In the event of illness or an accident, a person with AI will die if they cannot produce a "burst" of cortisol. So, steroids are used to replace cortisol in the body. Illness or stress requires "stress dosing." In the event of an accident, a person with AI needs an injection of IV Hydrocortisone immediately. We wear bracelets and carry injection kits with us at all times for that reason. AI can be caused by many different things. It can be primary or secondary. Regardless of the cause, though, the symptoms of AI can be debilitating. Imagine like food poisoning mixed with bone crushing fatigue, and you have a starting point for this condition. My acute abdominal pain in the ER over the holidays was AI. Ironically, the doctor was informed that it could be AI, and he chose to ignore it. This is all too common with this diagnosis.

Dysautonomia is different, although it often runs hand in hand with AI. This neurological condition is a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Note that the autonomic nervous system includes EVERYTHING that we do subconsciously - sleep, breathe, digest, regulate blood flow, and so much more. There are more than 200 different conditions that act as underlying causes, although sometimes it's idiopathic. In my case, I have it because of low blood pressure mixed withr AI. For me, my sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive all the time trying to address these underlying problems. My parasympathetic system has trouble slowing me back down. Ironically, instead of feeling energetic all the time, this lack of balance causes terrible fatigue - like running an ultramarathon every day, day after day. Beyond fatigue, symptoms span the entire spectrum of autonomic function. It's fascinating to learn about. And very few physicians understand it.

In both AI and Dysautonomia, balance is essential - and it is a moving target - and it is very difficult to find. I am grateful that I have some of the best doctors in the country right here in Seattle managing my road to healing. That said, it is a slow and steady walk in a culture that often fails to understand those living with invisible conditions. In my case, the walk is one that forms the cornerstone of my ministry - as living a life balanced in mind, body and spirit is among the most radical individual acts that a single person can engage in her lifetime.

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